Publications + Presentations

Jeon, June, Rachel M. Gurney, Michael M. Bell. 2022. “From Non-Believer to Believer: What Leads People to Change Their Climate Views.” Sociological Inquiry.

Gurney, Rachel M., Riley E. Dunlap, and Beth Schaefer Caniglia. 2022. “Climate Change SOS: Addressing Climate Impacts within a Climate Change Spiral of Silence.” Society & Natural Resources 1–21.

Gurney, Rachel M., Sisi Meng, Samantha Rumschlag, and Alan F. Hamlet. 2022. “The Influences of Political Affiliation and Weather-Related Impacts on Climate Change Adaptation in US Cities.” Weather, Climate, and Society 14(3):919–31.

Kirchhoff, Christine, Rachel Gurney, Danielle Wood, Patrick Regan, eds. 2020. Special Issue: The Socio-Political Dimensions of Climate Mitigation and Adaptation (In)Action. Environmental Science & Policy.

Gurney, Rachel M., Alan F. Hamlet, and Patrick M. Regan. 2020. “The Influences of Power, Politics, and Climate Risk on US Subnational Climate Action.” Environmental Science & Policy 116:96-113.

Gurney, Rachel M. 2020. “What Fuels Energy Transitions: A Conversation with Germán Vergara.” Edge Effects.

Alan F. Hamlet, Gopal Penny, Annette Trierweiler, Rachel M. Gurney, Nima Ehsani, Amir Said Siraj, Liguang Li, Sisi Meng, Patrick Regan. “Quantifying Drivers of Self-Assessed Household Food Insecurity at Global Scales.” American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. December 9-14, 2019. San Francisco, CA. 

Gurney, Rachel M., Alan F. Hamlet. 2019. “The Influence of State Politics on Local Climate Adaptation.” Sociology of Development conference hosted by the University of Notre Dame. October 17-19, 2019. Notre Dame, IN.

Gurney, Rachel M., Alan F. Hamlet, Patrick M. Regan. 2019. “The Influences of Power, Politics, and Social Vulnerability on US Subnational Climate Action.” American Sociological Association’s Annual Meeting. August 10-13, 2019. New York, NY. 

Gurney, Rachel M. February 1, 2018. "CLIMATE CHANGE: A Dangerous Phrase to Use in Some Circles." Regis University. The Regenerative Development Blog: The Seed Institute College of Business and Economics.

Gurney, Rachel M., Beth S. Caniglia, and Riley E. Dunlap. 2017. “Climate Change Rhetoric in a Hostile Setting: Lessons from Climate Change Constructions in Oklahoma.” American Sociological Association’s Annual Meeting. August 12-15, 2017. Montreal, QC. 

Gurney, Rachel M. 2016. “Early American Voices.” Pp. 89-124 in Rise of Environmental Consciousness: Voices in Pursuit of a Sustainable Planet, Edited by Beth S. Caniglia, Thomas J. Burns, Rachel M. Gurney, and Erik L. Bond. United States: Cognella Academic Publishing.